Embracing Detachment and Reset: Finding Peace in Letting Go

I share a monologue I wrote for and to myself about detachment and hitting the reset bottom once in a while to centre myself again and to let go of what no longer serves me.

3/16/20244 min read

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to become entangled in the complexities of our daily routines, relationships, and responsibilities. However, amidst the chaos, there exists a profound concept that offers solace and liberation: detachment. Detachment doesn't imply apathy or indifference, but rather a mindful release of attachment to outcomes and expectations. It's about letting go of what no longer serves us and finding freedom in surrender.

I wrote the following monologue both to and for myself, so whenever I find myself in need of a reminder that I should detach and reset, I read through it.

woman holding mirror
woman holding mirror

Embracing Detachment and Reset: Finding Peace in Letting Go

“Hi there. I know you have been busy for a while. But now that I have your attention, please hear me out I have something to say.

You need a reset. We need a reset.

How long do you plan to keep moving against our natural energy flow? I know it was hard to detect this time as the veils covered your view. They were very subtle and hard to notice, but when we don’t remove them they become heavier and will cloud your mind and worsen your sight even more.

Let us reset, okay?

Becoming aware is the most difficult part, and the first step is the most uncomfortable to take, but then, we will get better and, we will get back to normal. Trust me.

I know life is happening, and it can be exciting yet overwhelming, but no matter what you experience, know I am always witnessing. I am your energy. I am you, the naked you, without any veils, make-up, or embellishments. Often, you don’t hear me taking part in our live because the veils are silencing my voice, but they can not mute me.

Now, let us begin with small changes something that we can implement anywhere, anytime. How about having this talk with ourselves more often?

Also, I have a favour to ask you. Can you become more cautious with the media? The constant noise and information flow are hard to handle at this pace and load. It pushes you further from me, from yourself. Sometimes, you are so far gone in the world of news and information, that it never seems to stop and we seem so far apart. Can you detach from media and your devices at least for some time? Then, we take the time to reset or, just to be.

Also, can you become more aware of your daily thoughts? They seem to be programmed and I am under the impression that you don’t want to let them go. Do you like to hold on to the emotions they evoke? Does it truly have a positive impact on you?

Can you detach from these thoughts and emotions? Maybe new ones will enter, or you enjoy the space their absence has created. Remember, some things are meant to be or to let go, your choice.

Also, your expectations of yourself, and us, make me uncomfortable at times. It seems as if living isn't enough, and you force us into a specific direction with no room left for interpretation. Can you detach from your expectations, at least for a moment? Forget them for a while, they are made up of concept beliefs anyway and can limit us at times. Just be in this moment and enjoy it without the pressure of where you have to be, or what you have to become. At this moment, it is fine to just be, with me, with yourself. No pressure is needed.

Can you feel the relief? Maybe you feel new possibilities unfolding.

Lastly, how about a break from the people in your life? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying to cut them off completely, but at least for a while. Please don't be upset, it will serve us for the better, trust me.

Just take a moment to let them go. Don’t mind what they think or say about you. Don’t think and talk about them either. Just let them be. Don’t mind their status or how close they are to you. It is just you and me now. As long as you are here with me it is just about us, what we feel and know, and the truth. Don’t mind the others, no matter whether they are family, friends, or acquaintances. Just be and let them be.

Later, when we face them again after we have detached from their imprint on us, we can simply witness the relationship with no attachment or identification. Maybe we can see them clearer and feel kindness, forgiveness, and even gratefulness. And maybe we can continue a relationship with no force of imprint from our end?

Wouldn’t that be nice? To "detach & reset" and de-cloud our mind and sight from those veils?

Let's be in this state for some time, no matter how long, maybe forever, if it serves us. At least we can come back to this state whenever we need to. The state of “detach and reset”.

Thank you for listening and being with me. I missed this, I missed me.“



I want to be aware that people struggle with their veils daily, too. From my own experience, I know the discomfort of behaving under the influence of veils. It darkens my views and makes situations seem harder than they truly are.

I want to be able to accept people and situations no matter how much they trigger my own veils and no matter how much they are influenced by theirs.

I want to be able to fully accept and experience every moment of my life mindful and open-minded.

“Focus on improving yourself, not proving yourself.”

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